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The Life of Reilly


Jade Nunn LISTD DDE, MSC in training, specialising in Genealogy. 

I was born in 1986, raised by my grandmother. As an illegitimate child, I had to bare my mother's surname 'Wells'. 21 years later, newly engaged  and diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, I decided now was the time to find my biological father. After 8 months of research and 2 DNA tests, I found him living only 6 miles away. 

Gaining 2 half sisters and a half brother, I felt like the missing piece of the puzzle, lost for years, swept under the carpet. My father sadly passed away May 2015, aged 51.


As one door closed, another opened. Unanswered questions that can now never be answered. Through losing my father, I gained my love, enthusiasm and addiction of researching my personal history and heritage. Engaging more with my family and listening and documenting stories which would otherwise be lost. After a few brick walls, my tree grew upwards, outwards and a few branches cut off along the way.  

As this progressed I started helping friends and family solve their mysteries of the past. I am an open book. Sensitive to delicate situations but not secretive about them. 

This has since led me to collect as many documents and certificates as possible, connecting DNA, meeting people and visiting the National Archives at Kew (20 minute drive away) 

My services include searching for adoptee parents/siblings, preservation of militaria, finding historical items and returning them to the next of kin.


I have since been accepted onto a Masters Degree of Science in Genealogy, through Strathclyde University in Glasgow. 



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